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Minimum Spacing PCB Fabrication. Alcanta offer the Minimum Gap PCB boards. We have produced the smallest spacning pcb circuit board. the distance between the pads and the pads. we made them with 30um(1.2мил), 40um(1.6мил), 50um(2.0мил). 60um, 70um. the gap tolerance are +/-10um.

For the processing capability of mainstream PCB manufacturers, the distance between the wires and the wires must be at least 4 мил. The minimum line spacing is also the line-to-line, line-to-pad distance. From a production point of view, the larger the better, the more common is 6~8mil.

30um spacing PCB
30um spacing PCB

As far as the processing capability of mainstream PCB manufacturers is concerned, if the hole diameter of the pad is mechanically drilled, the minimum is not less than 0.15mm(6мил). If laser drilling is used, the minimum is not less than 3mil. Most are 4mil via. The aperture tolerance is slightly different depending on the plate. В целом, the control can be within 0.05mm, and the pad width should be at least 0.2mm.

When we make the Minimum Spacing circuit board. we will use advanced production technology. the All smallest the pads to the pads spacing or the line to the line distance will be in the control. Of course. You have to give us a Standard tolerance range. the Standard tolerance range is +/-10um. like: the pads to pads spacing are 50um(2.0мил). the finished the pads to the pads distance will be 40um to 60um. this is an example.

60um Pads gap LED PCB
60um Pads gap LED PCB

Our company offer the Minimum Spacing PCB from 2 слой в 30 слои. they are Mini LED PCB, Rigid‐Flex & Flexible Circuits, Buried and Blind Vias PCB, Hybrids & Mixed Dielectrics PCB, HDI печатная плата, Module PCB, Aviation PCB, military PCB projects, High frequency communication PCB, и другие.

Если у вас есть вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам с info@alcantapcb.com , we will be happy to help you.



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