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Ceramic Производитель печатных плат. We offer best-in-class metallized ceramic substrates that enable higher power efficiency. Our curamik® substrates consist of pure copper bonded or brazed to a ceramic substrate and are designed to carry higher currents, provide higher voltage isolation and operate over a wide temperature range. we offer High quality Rogers curamik® Metallized Ceramic Substrates PCB.

Our curamik Ceramic substrates offer high heat conductivity, high heat capacity and thermal spreading of the substratesthick copper cladding, making our substrates indispensable to power electronics. The low coefficient of thermal expansion of the ceramic substrate means they outperform substrates based on metal or plastic.

Rogers curamik® Metallized Ceramic Substrates PCB
Rogers curamik® Metallized Ceramic Substrates PCB

Great heat conductivity and temperature resistance
High insulation voltage
High heat spreading
Low coefficient of thermal expansion outperforms metal or plastic substrates
Adjusted expansion coefficient enables chip on board
Efficient processing of master cards and single pieces
Range of formulations optimized for various power applications

curamik® Performance

  • Based on Si3N4 ceramics and produced in Active Metal Brazed (AMB) process
  • Used in applications where long lifetime, high power density and robustness are required
  • Offers thermal conductivity of 90 W/m K @ 20°C
  • Available in 6 thickness combinations
  • CTE of 2.5 ppm/K @ 20°C – 300°C

curamik® Power

  • Al2О3 provides best price-performance ratio
  • Offers sufficient thermal and mechanical properties for the most common applications
  • Offers thermal conductivity of 24 W/m K @ 20°C
  • Available in many thickness combinations
  • CTE of 6.8 ppm/K @ 20°C – 300°C

curamik® Power Plus

  • HPS substrates provide enhanced robustness through Zr doped Al2О3 ceramics
  • Used in medium power output applications
  • Offers thermal conductivity of 26 W/m K @ 20°C
  • Available in many thickness combinations
  • CTE of 7.1 ppm/K @ 20°C – 300°C

curamik® Thermal

  • Based on AlN ceramics and combines excellent thermal conductivity with good mechanical stability
  • Used in very high operational voltage and power density applications
  • Offers thermal conductivity of 170 W/m K @ 20°C
  • Available in many thickness combinations
  • CTE of 4.7 ppm/K @ 20°C – 300°C

Если у вас есть вопросы, пожалуйста, не стесняйтесь обращаться к нам сinfo@alcantapcb.com , we will be happy to help you.



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