Aluminum Nitride Ceramic PCB Manufacturer
Aluminum Nitride Ceramic PCB Manufacturer, we mainly produce ultra-small bump pitch Ceramic substrate/Aluminum Nitride PCBs, ultra-small trace and small spacing Ceramic boards from 1 layer to 30 layers.Instruments PCB Manufacturer
Instruments PCB Manufacturer, Alcanta offer Industrial instruments PCBs and Medical instruments PCBs from 2 layer to 108 layers. PCB Quality Grade: Standard IPC Class 2 and Standard IPC Class 3. We have made the HDI PCB with Mixed material medium, microtrace, and small gap.Cavity Board Manufacturer
Cavity Board Manufacturer. Open a Cavity PCBs require a depth-controlled cutout to expose inner layers to air for antenna or component assembly. We offer Cavity PCBs from 4 layer to 50 layers, multi-cavity on one units boards. or the cavity on the top side or maybe on the bottom layers,…Rogers PCB Material
Rogers PCB Material also are High Frequency material. Alcanta offer rogers material pcb boards from 2 layer to 50 layers. the Rogers base materials have: RO3003, RO3003G2, RO3006, RO3010, RO3035, RO3202, RO3203, RO3206, RO3210, RO3730, RO5780, RO5880, RO6002, RO6006, RO4003C, RO4232, CLTE, Genclad, RF35. and others. We produce Rogers PCBs,…Mother Board Manufacturer
Mother Board Manufacturer, HDI Mother Boards made in Alcanta PCB company. we offer the HDI Mother Boards from 4 L to 108 layers,microtrace, and msallest gap, Mixed media PCB materials.Control Board Manufacturer
Control Board Manufacturer, Alcanta offer HDI Control Boards From 4 layer to 108 layers. we have made the Control boards with Buried and Blind Vias, Impedance Control, Hybrids & Mixed Dielectrics, Conductive Via Fill,and other technical...